董事会遴选博士. Jeffrey P. 纳斯成为新的PCC总理

受害者的信息 & 援助

成为犯罪的受害者是痛苦的,但你可以找到帮助. 社区资源可帮助您了解您的权利, 行使它们的程序, 谁有资源可以提供帮助.



受害者援助项目等组织, 性侵犯中心, 虐待儿童治疗项目, support groups 和 domestic violence shelters are established throughout the state to help crime victims regain control over their lives. 下面列出了一些服务. 他们向受害者及其家属提供紧急和长期支助. 服务包括:
  • 紧急安全住所或避难所
  • 24小时危机电话热线
  • 危机随访及长期咨询
  • 倡导你的需求和权利
  • 陪你去体检
  • 运输
  • 照顾孩子

对于某些性犯罪, costs for medical examinations that are done to preserve evidence 五月 be paid for by the Prosecuting Agency. Check with a victim/witness program advocate in your County for information.
看到 资料及资源编号 可以提供受害者援助服务的机构名单.


Victims of a violent crime or family members of someone who died as the result of a criminal act, 五月 
apply to the 县’s Crime 受害者赔偿 Program to recover certain expenses. 你应该在犯罪发生的县里提出索赔. 你可以收回的一些费用包括:

  • 医疗和牙科费用
  • 心理健康咨询
  • 工资损失
  • 葬礼费用

本计划不赔偿财产损失或财产损坏. To obtain an application or receive information on Crime 受害者赔偿, 联系你所在县的受害者赔偿协调员(见 资料及资源编号).


If you are the victim of domestic violence, you 五月 seek a protective order. 保护令禁止配偶, 前伴侣, 有共同子女或由他人怀孕的人, 共同生活的人, 现在或过去, 以及近亲之间互相伤害和/或联系你.  Injunctions Against Harassment can be sought when there has been a series of harassing attacks.

可以申请保护令(可在任何法院获得), 不管有没有律师, 正义与正义, 城市, 高级法院或部落法院.  
如果你是正在进行的涉及合法分居的案件中的一方, 离婚, 父权/孕妇, 孩子的监护权, 孩子/配偶支持, 或者未成年被告年龄在12岁以下, 你应该向任何高等法院申请.
当法庭不开庭时, you 五月 request 和 紧急 Order of Protection through a law enforcement officer. 紧急 Orders of protection are valid until the 关闭 of the next court business day.
A protective order can prohibit the abuser from: having any contact with you 和/or other persons, 进一步犯罪, going to your residence (even if the abuser has been living at this address), 去其他地方, 和/或拥有或购买枪支. 如果你想申请保护令, you 五月 request that your address 和/or other locations are kept confidential.
申请保护令不需要交申请费. 的re is no service fee for Orders of Protection or Injunctions Against Harassment involving dating relationship. Law Enforcement shall not require a prepayment of service fees on other injunctions. You 五月 request that the course waive service fees for these other injunctions. You 五月 have your protective order served by a private process server for a fee.
如果在家庭暴力事件中发现了枪支, 和 a law enforcement officer determines that you or others could be exposed to serious injury or death, 枪支可以由执法机构收缴和持有. 以确保你, 作为受害者, 被查获的枪支是否被通知释放, you must provide the law enforcement agency with any change of address or phone number.


作为亚利桑那州犯罪的受害者, 你有被公平对待的宪法权利, 尊重和尊严,不受恐吓, 刑事或少年司法程序中的骚扰或虐待. 所有的状态, 县, 和 municipal justice agencies 和 courts in Arizona are required to perform certain duties to ensure that you receive your rights. 


State law says a victim is a person against whom a criminal or juvenile offense has been committed. 这包括任何重罪,或任何轻罪,或性犯罪. 如果一个人被杀或丧失行为能力, 该人的配偶, 家长, 孩子, 兄弟姐妹, 祖父母, 法定监护人, 或者其他法定代理人是被害人. 法律 entities 和 neighborhood associations 五月 also be victims of felony offenses, 尽管这些实体的权利是有限的. Rights do not apply if the person is in custody for an offense, or is the accused.


Some rights are given to victims automatically 和 some rights need to be requested. 的 law enforcement officer will provide you with a form that asks you to request or waive (decline) your rights.  You will be given a copy of the completed request/waiver form for your records.  Following is a list of the “要求” rights that you 五月 request or waive (these rights apply after arrest):

  • To be notified of the suspect’s release from custody (see When A Suspect is Arrested for instructions on how to exercise this right).
  • 收到一份释放条款和条件的副本.
  • 接收法庭程序排期通知.
  • 在辩护、驳回或审判前与检察官谈话.
  • 做一份受害人影响陈述.
  • 接收判决前或处置前报告的副本.
  • 接收被告被定罪(或判决)的通知, 无罪释放, 或者撤销指控.
  • 接收被告被定罪(或判决)的通知, 无罪释放, 或者撤销指控.
  • 收到判决或处置结果的通知.
  • 案件结案后收缴财物并归还证据.


  • 接收有关赔偿及量刑/处分聆讯的通知, 以及判决或处理结果的通知.


  • 接收法庭程序排期通知, 以及在判刑/裁定时作出受害人影响陈述.

Your decision to request or waive your rights does not keep you from changing your mind later. 

然而, 如果你首先放弃你的权利,然后在以后的时间要求他们, you 五月 be giving up some rights that only apply at certain stages of the justice process.

的re are other important benefits 和 protections that apply to crime victims as a case processes through the system.  要一份亚利桑那州受害者权利法的全文, you 五月 contact the Attorney General’s Office of Victim Services at (602) 542-4911 (Phoenix) or 888-377-6108 toll free.  You can also learn more about Arizona’s victims’ rights laws 和 available services by visiting the 亚利桑那州司法部长 网页. 


如果有人被发现犯有对你犯下的罪行, the court 五月 order that person to re-pay certain financial costs of your victimization. 这种法院命令的支付被称为赔偿.  Victims of crime have a Constitutional right to receive prompt restitution. 如果你的案子被起诉, it is important that you contact the prosecutor’s Victim Services program for more information 和 assistance with the restitution process (see 资料及资源编号). 


Box 3 of the request/waiver form provides information to assist you in exercising your rights immediately following the arrest of a suspect; however, 你必须迅速行动.

如果嫌疑人是成年人并且已经被逮捕, you can exercise certain rights by contacting the court prior to the Initial Appearance. You can also exercise your right 被告知嫌疑人已被释放 by contacting the custodial agency.

如果犯罪嫌疑人是未成年人并已被拘留, you can obtain detention hearing information 和 exercise certain rights by contacting the juvenile probation department. You can also exercise certain rights by contacting the juvenile probation department. You can also exercise your right 被告知少年被释放 by contacting the detention center.

如果一名成人或青少年嫌疑人被传讯并被释放, 或少年犯罪嫌疑人被移交少年法庭,但不被拘留, you can exercise certain rights by contacting the court prior to the date 和 time that the suspect must appear.

If the arrest of a suspect is not immediate 和 you are not notified of an arrest within 30 days, 你可以打电话给执法机构获取案件状态信息. Your employer 五月 be legally required to allow you unpaid leave from work to attend court. 更多信息请联系检察机关.

嫌疑人是一名成年人,已被逮捕: 首次提堂(法庭聆讯)


  1. 决定是否释放被告;
  2. 如果被告被释放,确定释放的条款和条件;
  3. 确定下一次开庭日期;
  4. 获得被告的辩护(对于一些轻罪)

当举行: 在被捕后24小时内
地点: 法院和监护机构
联系人: 参见信息和资源编号 

你的权利:在初次出庭时出席并听取意见, 根据要求, 被告知嫌疑人已被释放.

嫌疑人是一名青少年,已被拘留: 拘留听证


  1. 决定是否释放未成年人;
  2. If the juvenile is released, determine the terms 和 conditions of release;
  3. 获得少年的抗辩(轻罪)

地点: 县少年犯拘留检查科
联系人: 参见信息和资源编号

你的权利:出席拘留听证会并听取意见, 和, 要求, 被告知少年被释放.

的 资料及资源编号 该列表提供了受害者服务的联系信息, 社区机构, 亚利桑那州南部的执法机构和法院.

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